Under the Sun

Space Sheep

I talked to a penguin

about flying underwater
and it said that currents lift up
any body that is willing
I asked a dog
how to handle difficult humans,
and she tilted her head and said,
“I just lick people”
Then a sheep told me
that it was formerly known
as a nebula cloud
but decided to come to earth instead
After I bumped its branch
and accidentally broke it,
I said excuse me to a fig tree,
but it said that part was dead anyway
Every time I look deeply at someone,
their eyes sparkle back, speaking life,
and grass tickles the ground when it grows,
and the sun and moon chat every day
The thing is, everything
is constantly relating to everything else,
like how rocks speak geologically
in streams of consciousness
And flowers smile at the sky
even in the rain
and everyone that dies
leaves thoughtprints behind
And no matter how bad things are
snails snooze under succulent leaves,
cats demand to be fed,
and every breath loves air
Eliel Fionn
Posted in Uncategorized.

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